
RadPad has a purchasing agreement with HealthTrust. If you are a HealthTrust-member facility, please contact us for special pricing.
Physician Protection
Sterile, disposable RADPAD® Radiation Protection Products are placed directly on the patient to protect the operator and cath lab personnel during fluoro-guided procedures from harmful scatter radiation. They are backed by 30 clinical studies and proven in thousands of hospitals on a daily basis worldwide
RADPAD® 5000 series products are comprised of several procedure-specific radiation protection shields designed to provide maximum protection to the operator and cath lab personnel during fluoro-guided procedures
RADPAD® 7000 series are comprised of several procedures specific sterile drape + RADPAD® Radiation Protection Shields, designed to protect operators and cath lab personnel during fluoro-guided procedures
RADPAD® 9000 series of Personal Protection Products are comprised of products worn by the operator and cath lab personnel for additional protection during fluoro or CT guided procedures. These products include:
- RADPAD® No Brainer® is an attenuation material-lined scrub cap worn by the cath lab personnel to protect their brain from scatter radiation during fluoro-guided procedures
- RADPAD® Thyroid Shield w/ Cover is a RADPAD® thyroid shield worn by the cath lab personnel to protect thyroid glands during fluoro-guided procedures
- RADPAD® Radiation Protection Sleeve is a full arm-length cover worn the operator during CT guided procedures
Additional Products
RADPAD® Table Skirts w/ Anchor are table skirts that anchor to the table in the cath lab to block scatter radiation coming from below the table
Patient Protection
RADPAD® Specialty Shields: Shields of various shapes and sizes used to protect the patient during fluoro guided, interventional radiology, electrophysiology, and cardiac cath examinations
RADPAD® Patient Protection Pads: Pads used underneath the lower or upper body during fluoro-guided procedures
RADPAD® Body Guard Sets: Wraps fitted for adults, children, and infants used to protect the brain, thyroid, upper and lower body during CT examinations
Testimony of Clinical Need for Radiation Protection
“72 million CT scans are performed annually in the United States, which is about one scan for every four people in the country…which could account for roughly 29,000 future cancer cases each year!”¹
“In 2013, a scientific consensus was reached that even just one CT scan in childhood is linked to the risk of developing future cancers.”²
“Even 15 or more years after the first exposure to ionizing radiation from CT scan, cancer risks remain elevated by 24%.”³
Sterile, disposable RADPAD® Radiation Protection Products are placed directly on the patient to protect the operator and cath lab personnel during fluoro-guided procedures from harmful scatter radiation. They are backed by 30 clinical studies and proven in thousands of hospitals on a daily basis worldwide.
For more information about the RADPAD®, contact your local MED Alliance Sales Representative, call 888-891-1200, or email us.
¹ Storrs, Carina. “Do CT Scans Cause Cancer?” Scientific American 309.1 (2013): 30-32. Military $ Government Collection. Web.24 Mar.2016.
² Westra SJ. The communication of the radiation risk from CT in relation to its clinical benefit int he era of personalized medicine: part 1: the radiation risk from CT> Pediatr Radiol. 2014 Oct; 44 Suppl 3:515-8.
³ Mathews JD, Forsythe AV, Brady Z, et al, Cancer risk in 680,000 people exposed to computer tomography scan in childhood or adolescence data linkage study of 11 million Australians. BMJ. 2013; 346:f2360.
Tags: rad pad, rad-pad, radiation pad, radpad