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  • Fix The Broken Link In The Chain Of Survival With EOlife and EOlife X

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    Fix The Broken Link In The Chain Of Survival With EOlife and EOlife X

    For far too long, the focus has been on the “Cardio” portion of CPR, mainly quality chest compressions. While chest compressions are crucial, the “Pulmonary” portion of CPR is just as important. A recent study led by A.H. Idris (2023) demonstrated that in approximately 2000 OHCA patients ventilated using the 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio, adequate ventilation through tidal volume has the potential to triple survival rates and quadruple the number of patients discharged from hospitals with good neurological outcomes.¹

    A second analysis of the same study, led by B. Yang, examined the relationship between chest compression fraction, ventilation quality, and patient outcomes during CPR. Patients were categorized into two groups based on ventilation quality: the “better ventilation” group, where effective lung inflation occurred in over half of the compression pauses, and the “poor ventilation” group, with effective inflations in fewer than half.

    Despite similar Chest Compression Fraction (CCF) medians (0.78 in both groups), survival rates were significantly higher in the better ventilation group at CCF levels below 85%. Notably, the interaction between ventilation quality and survival was strongest at lower CCF levels, with the highest survival observed in patients with better ventilation and a CCF below 65%.

    These findings underscore the importance of high-performance ventilation during resuscitation, particularly when CCF is suboptimal.

    Fix the broken link in the chain of survival by enhancing the quality and efficacy of manual ventilation with the innovative EOlife and EOlife X real-time ventilation feedback devices from Archeon Medical.

    Archeon Medical EOlife

    EOlife: The only ventilation feedback device (VFD) to measure the volume of gas reaching the patient’s lung (Tidal Volume)

    Archeon Medical EOlife X

    EOlife X: The ultimate tool for high-performance ventilation training 

    FDA-cleared medical device enabling real-time measurement of insufflated volume, tidal volume, and ventilation frequency, along with visual feedback to deliver ventilation in accordance with AHA recommendations. Easy to use and operational in a few seconds, EOlife is ideal for emergency transport and can be used on intubated patients in emergency and intensive care units.

    Training tool allowing measurement and recording of insufflated volume, tidal volume, manual ventilation frequency, in real time, to practice ventilation in accordance with AHA recommendations. EOlife X enables training on adult and pediatric (> 1 year) manikins. EOlife X offers two training modes (blind or monitored) that record ventilation parameters. Data can be downloaded via Bluetooth to the EOlife Connect app which offers detailed analysis and allows users to track their skills progress over time.

    For more information and to request a demonstration of EOlife X and EOlife, call 888-891-1200 or email us to be connected to your local sales representative.

    MED Alliance Group is a medical device distributor that has been meeting the needs of our clinical customers and manufacturing partners since 1998. We specialize in the sales, marketing, importation, logistics and distribution of innovative, high-quality and cost-effective products found in anesthesia and respiratory, blood and transfusion therapy, EMS and emergency room, interventional radiology and cath lab, iv and vascular, as well as NICU and PICU.

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  • MED Alliance Group, Inc.
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 MED Alliance Group, Inc. REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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