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    Combating Drug Shortages with the Macy Catheter

    When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico last year, the effects were felt worldwide. The hurricane damaged multiple manufacturing facilities, including the very ones that supply the most basic necessity for any care facility: the saline bag. Since then, there has been a shortage of these bags available to care systems in the United States, forcing [...]

    ED Clinicians: What’s an Easy Option When Oral or IV Access is Not?

    Patients who come into the Emergency Department can sometimes be so disoriented that taking oral medication is not possible. Clinicians often struggle to obtain IV access to administer medications or fluids when a patient is extremely dehydrated or their extremities are severely burned or injured. In such situations, the Macy Catheter can be an easy [...]
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    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

  • TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

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