Objectively Confirm Needle Thoracostomy Placement and Success with Capnospot®
Current Standard of Care for Confirming Decompression is Highly Subjective
Tension Pneumothorax occurs in approximately one out of every 20 major trauma patients.[1] As one of the leading causes of preventable death in trauma patients,[2] tension pneumothorax occurs most often in the pre-hospital, emergency department and ICU settings[3].
When left untreated, or not properly treated immediately, tension pneumothorax can lead to other conditions such as respiratory failure, chest pain, tachycardia – or worse, death.
Needle thoracostomy is the most rapid method used to treat tension pneumothorax, however, there is an ongoing debate regarding the standard of care with needle length, size and anatomical placement. Multiple studies have reviewed additional factors contributing to the difficulty of a needle decompression including differentiating chest wall thickness among male/female patients and the overweight and obese. Catheter kinking and occlusion can also be problematic.
Even when all these variables are accounted for, it is still difficult for healthcare providers to confirm therapeutic decompression rapidly and objectively.[4] A study on the complications of needle thoracostomy revealed a 25-50% incidence of missed pneumothorax or ineffective drainage.[1]
Confirming decompression success is highly subjective. Providers are told to listen for a “gush of air” and assess vital signs.[4] Objective measures are needed for assessing effective decompression.
Capnospot: A New Standard of Care for Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax
Using colorimetric capnography, Capnospot is a device designed to objectively confirm tension pneumothorax decompression success rapidly and accurately. The Capnospot is a decompression thoracostomy device that uses a simple color change to visually confirm accurate needle placement. The healthcare provider will see the indicator’s color change from blue to yellow when CO2 moves through the device.
More accurate than the current standard of care, Capnospot received FDA clearance and a superiority claim. Studies show a 100% success rate when needle capnography is used, compared to a 60% success rate using the current standard of care.[4]
Capnospot visually indicates decompression success or failure in less than five seconds, allowing immediate adjustment of the catheter. Tension decompression success is indicated before vital sign changes are clinically detected.
For more information or to request a demonstration of the Capnospot by Pneumeric®, call 888-891-1200 or email us to be connected with your local sales representative.
MED Alliance Group is a medical device distributor that has been dedicated to meeting the needs of our clinical customers and manufacturing partners since 1998. We specialize in the sales, marketing, importation, logistics and distribution of innovative, high-quality and cost-effective products found in anesthesia and respiratory, blood and transfusion therapy, EMS and emergency room, interventional radiology and cath lab, iv and vascular, NICU and PICU and pharmacy.
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[2] https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/180/12/1211/4160655
[4] https://medalliance.showpad.com/share/gtMJE7NNUQkKu1qO76jUm