Our Commitment to Customers During the Coronavirus Pandemic

While the coronavirus continues to have a dramatic impact on the general community, MED Alliance understands one of the most impacted is the healthcare industry. As hospital staff and healthcare providers navigate these un-chartered waters, they must also continue to provide the very best care to their patients. MED Alliance would like to ensure our customers that we are doing everything in our power to support you with the medical devices you need during these difficult times.
The dedicated staff at MED Alliance continue to operate at full capacity while adhering to regulations and guidelines related to the containment of COVID-19.
As a medical device distributor, we rely on our manufacturing partners and the shipping industry to get you the medical devices you need. We are committed to keeping you informed as soon as possible of any back order situation or shipping restrictions that may affect your order.
If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please contact MED Alliance Customer Service at 888-891-1200.